Get Your Workplace Ready for Commuter Challenge

Get Your Workplace Ready for Commuter Challenge

The Commuter Challenge is taking place from June 2-8, 2019, so it's time to get your workplace ready. Want to get a leg up on the competition? We've got some tips for you! Leading up to the annual Commuter Challenge event is the perfect time to implement changes...

Emergency Ride Home Program

Emergency Ride Home Program

“Safety net” for sustainable commuters by providing a quick and reliable ride home in the event of an unexpected emergency.

Winter Transit 101

Winter Transit 101

Waiting for the bus on a cold winter's day can test anyone's patience. It may even make you reconsider taking transit all together… and we wouldn't want that! Rest assured, below are are some handy tips to help ease your transit travel in winter.   Anticipate...

Curious to Carpool?

Curious to Carpool?

Carpooling is easier and better than you may think – especially with GoManitoba!

Go Manitoba – A Better Commute Is Possible (Video)

Presenting GoManitoba: A powerful new tool that connects like-minded people to share a ride, save time & money, lower emissions and reduce congestion! GoManitoba is available NOW for download as an app on your smartphone or can be accessed from your desktop...

Sign up for GoManitoba!

Sign up for GoManitoba!

Join us for an information session in Brandon on Feb. 13th! Learn how you can be saving time, money, and the environment all in one app.

Carpooling // Covoiturage

Share a ride sometimes or every day. Save on parking, gas and car repairs. Whatever your reason, carpooling can work for you.