Greening Manitoba’s Budget
Green Action Centre submitted a list of proposals to the Province to make Manitoba’s economy and budget more environmentally sustainable. Read the 5 key recommendations here.
Green Action Centre submitted a list of proposals to the Province to make Manitoba’s economy and budget more environmentally sustainable. Read the 5 key recommendations here.
Talk of the materials economy has gone viral. The Story of Electronics is the latest film in the Story of Stuff series.
At the SpeakUp Winnipeg Garbage Expo next weekend, your participation is vital to seeing that Winnipeg’s waste strategy reflects sustainable principles for the twenty-first century.
Green Action Centre calls for a comprehensive approach to waste issues, including composting of organics, programs for the institutional and commercial sector, and an integrated waste reduction plan for Winnipeg.
A new study reveals that the food industry in the US consumes over 15 per cent of energy, for growing, fertilizing transporting and distributing food. As much as 30 per cent of food produced is wasted. So much waste translates into as much as 8 thousand trillion BTU of wasted energy.
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