Plastic Free July, a campaign that started in Australia but has now gained traction world-wide, challenges people to think about the plastic they use in their lives and take action to reduce it. Learn more on the Plastic Free July official website.


Will you join us by taking on the challenge?


Why we think it’s important to cut down on plastic use:

  • Plastic is made from non-renewable fossil fuels
  • Plastic can take up to 1000 years to breakdown, and never fully degrades, remaining in the environment as microplastics
  • Plastic bags, bottles, packaging, and straws are the most commonly littered items (cigarette butts holding the first place)
  • Plastic ends up in our waterways, polluting our drinking water, harming marine life, and building up in our bodies

Wondering what to do with your pre-existing plastic? These are our favourite tips from zero waste advocate, Anne Marie Bonneau’s article What’s the Cure for Pre-Existing Plastic?

  1. Use it until it wears out
  2. Donate it to a local organization that will use it
  3. Inquire with your local waste management department
  4. Send it to TerraCycle!
  5. Wash your synthetic clothing less often
  6. Look for a creative reuse center near you



Thank you to all who contributed and participated in our #PlasticFreeJuly Clothing Swap!

In total, we swapped over 130 items and donated the rest to the Indigenous Women’s Healing Centre. Thank you to Central Community Centre for being such great hosts!

Why swap clothes?

Participating in clothing swaps is an ideal way to spruce up your wardrobe while lessening your impact on the environment! It keeps clothes in circulation for longer, as well as being price accessible for lots of people.
Did you know?
👚~60% of materials used in textiles are made of plastic
👚 only a small percent of fast fashion items are made with minimal recycled fabric
👚 not to mention all the plastic waste created through shipping & packaging!

Happy Plastic Free July!