Jack Frost Challenge Blog Posts

Jack Frost Challenge Tips to Get You Moving!

Jack Frost Challenge Tips to Get You Moving!

Make the most of this winter with the Jack Frost Challenge.  Bouger - French verb: to move Green Action Centre is gearing up for the 6th year of our annual Jack Frost Challenge event. Sign up as an individual or as a team of up to five people and challenge each other...

2016 Jack Frost Challenge Results are In!

Another bone chilling Bougeons en hiver: The Jack Frost Challenge has successfully taken place and we’d love to give a round of applause to all who took part! A total of 87 teams and 327 participants signed up to skate, cross-country ski, run, snowshoe, cycle and walk...

Laugh at winter with The Jack Frost Challenge!

Sign up a team of friends, family, co-workers or classmates to glide, swish, pedal, and crunch their way across the snow for The Jack Frost Challenge, February 8-14. To work, to school, to the grocery store or just for fun, it doesn’t matter. Let’s get out and enjoy the outdoors — we laugh at winter!

Jack Frost Challenge 2013 Results

Jack Frost Challenge 2013 Results

The week of February 8-15 brought beautiful winter weather and Manitobans took full advantage of it! 84 teams of 387 participants had fun outdoors logging 11,856 total km of skating, skiing, walking, running, cycling and snowshoeing. Prizes have been drawn!

Bougeons en hiver: The Jack Frost Challenge 2013

Bougeons en hiver: The Jack Frost Challenge 2013

Soyez actif! Frolic in the snow and celebrate winter Manitoba-style! SIGN UP a team to skate, bike, ski, snowshoe or walk a combined total of 130 km the week of Feb. 9-15. A Co-Actif Epica event.