Jack Frost Challenge Blog Posts

Are you ready for the Jack Frost Challenge?!

Are you ready for the Jack Frost Challenge?!

Join the over 700 other Manitobans who have taken the pledge to get outside, have fun, and earn the chance to win awesome prizes during the week of February 7-13th!

Jack Frost Challenge Results – Daily Update

The Jack Frost Challenge 2021 is in full swing and you all are being absolute champions by bundling up and braving the cold during this extra frosty week. We are having some technical difficulties on the website and it turns out the full challenge results are not...

Your Passport to Winter Fun is here!

Your Passport to Winter Fun is here!

During the week of JFC, participants will receive a Passport to Winter Fun they can enjoy! This includes mini challenges and achievements you can check off along your journey to 130 km, with incentives from some awesome local businesses. By participating and posting to social media you will also be entered to win the special Passport Prize!

Jack Frost Challenge for Kids

Save the date for Jack Frost Challenge for KIDS!  February 7 - 13, 2021 is Jack Frost Challenge, with Winter Walk Day on Wednesday, February 10. Registration for Jack Frost Challenge for Kids is open! REGISTER HERE The challenge is simple: spend time outside playing,...

Winter Fun Roundup

Manitoba has so many hidden gems, don’t let the weather get you down, it’s time we embrace our winter wonderland! We’ve rounded up some resources for you to check out, from snowshoeing and hiking, to skiing and biking! 

Jack Frost Challenge for Workplaces!

Winter fun doesn't have to stop because of work... in fact, winter fun should be part of your workday! Go for a walk to break up the day, choose an active commute, take a bike around the block before starting your WFH day, and register your workplace for Jack Frost...