Commuter Challenge Content

Blog Posts from Past Years

Ways to Move in Winter | Façons de Bouger en Hiver

Ways to Move in Winter | Façons de Bouger en Hiver

There are so many ways to move, especially in winter, and especially in Manitoba. The Jack Frost Challenge is all about moving - the best way to stay warm! To help you move more this Jack Frost Challenge, we wanted to provide you with a list of Manitoba's best trails,...

5 Step Winter Bicycle Maintenance

5 Step Winter Bicycle Maintenance

It looks like you’ve read our ‘How to Keep Cycling Through Winter’ blog post and have decided to give it a try! Bike maintenance is an essential part of winter cycling, so we wanted to walk you through the process step by step. Ready to clean and prep your winter...

Take on the Challenge | Relever le Défi

Take on the Challenge | Relever le Défi

The Jack Frost Challenge is fast approaching! This year, the Jack Frost Challenge is happening February 3-9, 2019 so be sure you have your team ready to go. There are many reasons to take on the challenge with friends, family, and coworkers, but who better to convince...

2018 Commuter Challenge Prize List!

The 2018 Commuter challenge has ended! Click here for a full page of results and prize winners.   There are lots of ways to win great prizes while you participate in the Commuter Challenge! How to win prizes Full details about prize categories can be found below....

2017 Commuter Challenge Results: Manitoba wins!

Another amazing Commuter Challenge has come and gone - 19,244 Canadians registered for the annual green commuting event! Manitoba dominated the challenge once again with 7,242 people registered. Congrats to everyone who signed up to participate! Because of you,...

Commuter Challenge Launched for 2017!

Commuter Challenge Kicks Off! Thursday, June 1st was a big day for Green Action Centre. At noon on a wonderful sunny day, Commuter Challenge was formally launched, welcoming the start of another great year for Manitobans to green commute June 4-10. This year, we were...

2017 Commuter Challenge Prizes and Awards!

2017 Commuter Challenge Prizes and Awards!

Workplace Awards In Manitoba, 7,242 people registered for the challenge! We saw 498 workplaces participate in the 2017 Commuter Challenge this year, making it 70 new workplaces registered compared to last year! Every year Green Action Centre celebrates the wrap of...