McDermot Ave protected bike lane

Mark your calendar to check out the proposed options for a protected bike lane on McDermot Ave west of Sherbrook. There will be an online survey but a higher level of detail will be provided at the display. March 10: information and survey link posted...

Downtown Protected Bike Lanes

Check out the proposed options for protected bike lanes on Fort and Garry, as well as the connection from Assiniboine Ave to the new raised bike lane leading into The Forks. There will be an online survey available on the website as of March 10, but given the level of...

City riding workshop

Learn strategies to be confident and feel safer while riding in the city. Bring your bike for this FREE hands-on workshop at the WRENCH on Saturday, June 18, from 12:30-2pm. Find details on all of the WRENCH’s spring workshops.

Bike Week

Bike Week is a week long event filled with bike related activities. Whether you ride your bike for transportation, recreation. competition, or just for fun, Bike Week is for you. Sign up to get up the e-newsletter updates on all the activities at Bike Week...