Jack Frost Challenge Blog Posts

Ways to Move in Winter | Façons de Bouger en Hiver

Ways to Move in Winter | Façons de Bouger en Hiver

There are so many ways to move, especially in winter, and especially in Manitoba. The Jack Frost Challenge is all about moving - the best way to stay warm! To help you move more this Jack Frost Challenge, we wanted to provide you with a list of Manitoba's best trails,...

Take on the Challenge | Relever le Défi

Take on the Challenge | Relever le Défi

The Jack Frost Challenge is fast approaching! This year, the Jack Frost Challenge is happening February 3-9, 2019 so be sure you have your team ready to go. There are many reasons to take on the challenge with friends, family, and coworkers, but who better to convince...

Jack Frost Challenge: our staff has fun too!

Jack Frost Challenge: our staff has fun too!

Jack Frost Challenge is over, and what a week we had to enjoy it in! We had excellent weather to get out and try some outdoor commuting, and just to get outside and have some fun! This year was a really successful year, and you can learn more on how we did in Manitoba...