About BikeWalkRoll
Our vision is to make it easy and fun to collect, compare, and share data on school transportation habits. We want schools around the world to connect and tackle the world’s most important transportation issue armed with data.
How did you get to school today? Our 30 second surveys help us, schools, and communities understand how students travel to school across Manitoba and the world. To complete a survey on BikeWalkRoll, teachers simply ask the students in your class how they traveled to school, and record the various modes of transport. This can be conducted through a simple hands up survey, or any other method that you may find easier.
BikeWalkRoll is a project of Green Action Centre’s from 2012-2014 with support from the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Manitoba.
Updates to BikeWalkRoll – What’s Changed?
In partnership with Green Communities Canada (Ontario Active School Travel), some significant changes have been made to BikeWalkRoll. They include:
- Surveys are now conducted for the trip TO and FROM school to capture the whole picture
- Bus is separated into two categories: school bus vs. public transit
- There is a section to include the number of students absent on the day of the survey
- Users have the option of identifying themselves as a champion. Champions act as administrators for school divisions by promoting participation, able to edit surveys, hosting a division-wide competition/ event, and collecting divisional data
- Improved editing capabilities for school profiles, users’ email accounts, classroom data entry, etc.
- Weather data is automatically added to the survey entry
- List of local organizations involved with children’s transportation who have staff who are familiar with BikeWalkRoll or have signed up for a Champion user account
- A more user friendly menu, including FAQs and easier to find schools, divisions and organizations
Data Collection
BikeWalkRoll is being used to collect student transportation data across the world! In Manitoba, our Active and Safe Routes to School program uses BikeWalkRoll in many ways. For one, they use it as tool to tally student participation in their annual events Walktober, Winter Walk and Wheel Week, and Bike to School Month. Last year, ASRTS released a report with two years worth of data collected with BikeWalkRoll to provide insight as to what the student transportation landscape is for Manitoba. They found that 2 out of 3 students in Manitoba are not active on the trip to school. Read the full report here. BikeWalkRoll is also an important tool for the data collection process of School Travel Planning. BikeWalkRoll is not only used by Green Action Centre to collect data, but it’s also an excellent tool for schools to use to collect baseline data that can be used for decision making, implementing interventions, and evaluating the success of interventions.
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