On September 11th 2024 and September 21st 2024, Green Action Centre will be hosting its second annual mobility fair. The purpose of these events is to showcase a variety of transportation options that people with disabilities and older folks can use to maintain a healthy, independent and sustainable lifestyle.

During these free, drop-in events, folks will have the opportunity to browse equipment, learn about transportation alternatives in the city, grab some take-home resources and listen to a presentation or two. Limited refreshments will be provided. Many of the vendors will be stationed outside so be sure to wear comfortable footwear and check the weather beforehand. Bike Winnipeg will be providing a courtesy bike valet for both events, in addition to the remainder of the parking lots. These events will be accessible to mobility aids.

Our first event will be open from 9am to 2pm on September 11th at the Cindy Klassen Recreation Complex on 999 Sargent Ave. Our second event will be open from 9am to 2pm September 21st at the Dakota Community Centre at 1188 Dakota St.

Click here to learn more about our Mobility Fair 2023.

Featured Vendors and Presenters 

  • Bike Winnipeg/Bike Valet
  • Plain Bicycle/Winnipeg Trails
  • City of Winnipeg Active Transportation
  • Accessible Sports Connection Manitoba
  • Manitoba Possible
  • Manitoba Accessibility Office
  • Vision Impaired Resource Network
  • Barrier Free Manitoba
  • C-5 Mobility
  • Active Aging in Manitoba
  • Alzheimer’s Society
  • CNIB Foundation
  • Easy Street Rehabilitation
  • MPI
  • Reliable Mobility showcasing (Mobility Scooters)
  • Transit Travel Trainer with Winnipeg Transit
  • Winnipeg WAV
  • And more!

Two older adults listen to a female presenter with a mobility device in front of her. In the background of the scene, a large poster for Reliable Mobility and a Winnipeg Transit bus can be seen.

And lastly, a big thanks to Winnipeg Foundation for the continued support of our programming.