Circular Economy Month

Start: October 1, 2022 12:00 am
Venue: Canada wide

  October is Canada’s first Circular Economy Month! What is the Circular Economy? The circular economy goes far beyond finding a recycling solution at end-of-life. Circularity incorporates better design that consumes less raw material during produ… Read More

Waste Reduction Week 2022 Event Series

Start: October 17, 2022 12:00 am
Venue: Various (online and in-person)

Come celebrate Waste Reduction Week 2022 with our Waste Reduction series!   Mark your calendars for our upcoming Waste Reduction Week Series on October 17 – 23rd.  Green Action Centre is excited to present Waste Reduction Week in a Manitoba contex… Read More

Waste Reduction Week

Start: October 17, 2022 12:00 am
Venue: Canada

What is Waste Reduction Week?   Green Action Centre is excited to present Waste Reduction Week in a Manitoba context, which is now part of Circular Economy Month! Throughout the week of October 17-23, we will be highlighting the impacts waste has… Read More

Walktober 2022

Start: October 1, 2022 12:00 am
Venue: At home and at school

Registration for Walktober 2022 is now open and the Sustainable Transportation Active and Safe Routes to School team at Green Action Centre invites you to join us from October 1st-31st, 2022 to celebrate! With International Walk to School Day on Wednes… Read More

Basic Backyard Composting

Start: August 24, 2022 12:00 pm
Venue: Langside Learning Garden

Green Action Centre is partnering with the University of Winnipeg and Spence Neighbourhood Association to offer a free workshop on the basics of backyard composting!   Join us at the Langside Learning Garden for info and tips on how to compost at… Read More