The results are in for Jack Frost Challenge | Bougeons en Hiver 2020 and it looks like Manitoba sure got moving.
This year’s challenge saw more people, teams, places, and kilometres than ever before!
Jack Frost Challenge 2020 had:
222 teams
1,429 registered individuals
28,497 kilometres
28 cities/towns across Manitoba
We obliterated previous records, making the ninth annual event the biggest one yet! Check out the results page for yourself to see how your team stacked up against the rest.
Please fill out our Jack Frost Challenge participant survey and Jack Frost Challenge for Schools participant survey to help us improve the event in future years.
See below for prize winners.
Complete 26 kilometres of outdoor activity during February 2-8, 2020 to be entered to win…
- $500 Via Rail Voucher
Results: Congratulations to Emily from team House of Clauss!
Most Kilometres Team
Awarded to the team with the highest number of logged kilometres during the challenge week of February 2-8, 2020.
Only those teams with 1-5 persons are eligible.
- 5 single-day tickets to Festival du Voyageur
- 1 Year Family Membership to Fort Whyte Alive
- Cranked Energy Prize Pack
- 5 $25 Gift Cards to Prairie Summit Shop
- Natural Cycle Prize Pack (Handlebar Bag, Winnipeg Toque, Garbage Mitts, Water Bottle, and a $20 Gift Card)
Results: The Hiking Vikings team with an impressive 811 kilometres!
Most Kilometres Workplace
Awarded to the workplace team with the highest average of logged kilometres during the challenge week of February 2-8, 2020.
This will be determined by the total number of kilometres divided by the total number of workplace participants. Teams with 1-5+ persons are eligible.
- 8 Gift Certificates for 6 Doughnuts (48 Doughnuts) from Oh Doughnuts
- Complimentary Sustainable Transportation Presentation/Cycling Workshop OR complimentary Bike Blender Rental from Green Action Centre
Results: The W.R.E.N.C.H completed 362 kilometres of outdoor activity between 7 staff members.
Honourable mentions to CAA Manitoba, Up to Snow Good, and Selkirk Park Happy Trails!
Most Kilometres Classroom
Prize category presented by CAA Manitoba
Awarded to the classroom team with the highest average of logged kilometres during the challenge week of February 2-8, 2020.
This will be determined by the total number of kilometres divided by the total number of students. Teams with 1-5+ persons are eligible.
- Pizza Party ($50 gift card to pizza location of choice) & Ice Cream Party ($50 gift card to Fete Ice Cream & Coffee)
Results: Congratulations to 3/4 MUT Class at Laidlaw School who completed 1,132.7 kilometres between 17 students.
Most Kilometres Individual
Awarded to the individual with the highest number of logged kilometres during the challenge week of February 2-8, 2020.
Only those who registered as individual/unaffiliated participants are eligible.
- 90 Minute Float at Float Calm
- $50 W.R.E.N.C.H. Gift Card
- 1 single-day ticket to Festival du Voyageur
- $25 Gift Card to Generation Green
- 1 Pack of Gorp Ready Mix
Results: Rémi with an impressive 257 kilometres.
Most Kilometres Kid (Under 14 Years of Age)
Awarded to the kid with the highest number of logged kilometres during the challenge week of February 2-8, 2020.
Only those who registered as under 14 years of age are eligible. Kids may participate as part of a team or individual/unaffiliated.
- $20 Gift Card to Chaeban Ice Cream
- 2 single-day tickets to Festival du Voyageur
- 1 “Peg Ears” headband by Winterpeg Wear donated by FortWhyte Alive
- 1 Pack of Gorp Ready Mix
- 2 tickets to Assiniboine Park Zoo
Results: Congratulations to Deyton at Laidlaw School for completing 111 kilometres of outdoor activity.
Most Modes
Awarded to the participant with the highest number of modes (walk or run, ski, skate, snowshoe, bike, or other) during the challenge week of February 2-8, 2020.
In the result of a tie, a winner will be awarded based on most kilometres.
- 2 single-day Festival du Voyageur Tickets
- 1 Pack of Gorp Ready Mix
- $50 W.R.E.N.C.H. Gift Card
- Gift Card/Products from Little Tree Hugger Soap Co.
- 2 Windsor Park Nordic Centre Tickets
Results: Trevor from team IG Happy Commuters who walked, ran, biked, skated, snowshoed, cross-country skied, and shovelled snow throughout the week.
Participating Schools
- A FREE field trip to FortWhyte Alive for up to 30 students (value of $400)
Results: Congratulations to Tyndall Park Community School (Grade 3 Class) for celebrating winter!
Best Team Name
This winning name is determined by popular vote via social media after the challenge is over!
- 5 $25 MEC Gift Cards
- Tiber River Naturals Prize Pack of assorted shampoo, laundry, and body bars in reusable tins
- 5 single-day Festival du Voyageur tickets
Results: Congratulations to team ‘Cirque de Sore Legs’ in Wasagaming. The clever team members are Trish, Sean, Les, and Garth.
Social Media Spirit
Social media spirit prizes are awarded to individuals who supply both high-quality photos/videos and the highest quantity of posts. We had some incredible posts this Jack Frost Challenge, see for yourself on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!
- FortWhyte Alive Farms 500g jar of honey and tote bag Winner: Lindsay Nikkel
- Prairie Sky Books Prize Pack (Includes: Baggu Reusable Bag, 2x Reusable Straws and cleaning brush, Shawl, Art Mug, Norval Morrisseau Reusable Water Bottle, Mini Bike Repair kit) Winner: Candace Rea
- Wolseley Kombucha Prize Pack Winner: Jack Button
Honourable mentions to George, Rhonda, Dennis, and so many MORE!
Participation Prizes
We will be randomly selecting participants to win prizes! All you have to do is register, move, and log your kilometres – it’s that easy.
- Select winter merchandise from MEC
- Jamie from team Klinic Klowns
- John from team ‘The Road Taken’
- Alexander from team ‘Team Coates’
Bonus Prizes (for participants outside of Winnipeg)
Prize category presented by CAA Manitoba
- $25 Gift Card to Tim Hortons or Boston Pizza (Winner’s choice!)
- Jacqueline from team SNOW SCHOOLERS in Melita
- Melanie from team Parkland Participators in Dauphin
- Chantal from team Fuczylas in Selkirk
- Duane from team Selkirk Happy Trails Team in Selkirk
- Natasha from team Tasha in Brandon
Community Prizes (for participating communities outside of Winnipeg)
Swan River
- Hoodie and Hat donated by Cement Works
Results: pending
Congratulations to all teams of 1-5 participants that reached the 130-kilometre target!
If your team is listed below, you can expect a certificate of achievement to be delivered via email:
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