A new deal for Manitoba’s environment
The Winnipeg Free Press reported this morning that Manitoba’s Conservation Minister, Gordon Mackintosh is working on a new comprehensive plan for the environment. Green Action Centre has a few suggestions.
The Winnipeg Free Press reported this morning that Manitoba’s Conservation Minister, Gordon Mackintosh is working on a new comprehensive plan for the environment. Green Action Centre has a few suggestions.
Winnipeg City Council’s Executive Policy wisely dropped an unfair plan to raise transit fares by 20 cents this June. With the transit fare increase out of the way, now the real debate can begin: how should the city fairly and sustainably generate the revenue it needs?
More than 300 people turned out for a forum at the University of Winnipeg on the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline on Thursday evening.
Municipal officials agree there is a huge infrastructure deficit and a recent survey indicates a majority of Manitobans backs a dedicated infrastructure tax to pay for it. We argue that a fuel tax is an equitable way to fund car infrastructure.
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