Green Action offers qualified support for City’s waste & recycling plan

Green Action Centre welcomes the approval of the City’s Comprehensive Integrated Waste Management Strategy, but with a recognition that the current proposal falls short of comprehensiveness and that several improvements are needed for the plan to realize its potential. Check out Green Action Centre’s recommendations.

Moving Planet Manitoba

Moving Planet Manitoba

Last Saturday, Winnipeg joined cities in 150 countries around the world in a day of action on climate change. Hundreds of Winnipeggers came out for the Moving Planet Manitoba event to raise awareness that over use of fossil fuel is choking our planet and will lead to catastrophic climate change if not reversed.

All Charities Campaign

All Charities Campaign

Fall means back to school and back to work for many Manitobans. The roads swell with motor vehicle traffic. Idling cars wrap around schools. Leaves tumble to the ground and are bagged and sent off to the landfill. Green Action Centre works to change these scenarios...