Workplace Commuter Options

 Imagine your workplace as vehicle optional. 

Green Action Centre works with businesses and employers to make sustainable commuting both appealing and within reach. The Workplace Commuter Options team is here to share knowledge, offer policy alternatives, provide tracking and evaluation, and advise on green infrastructure choices.

For a happier, healthier commute, use our GoHappy services and our GoManitoba tool!

Getting Started

Discover our services that help your workplace become sustainable commuting friendly. 

Jack Frost Challenge for Kids 2025 is Here! ❄️🥾

Registration is now open for The Jack Frost Challenge for Kids 2025. This year’s challenge will take place from February 9th – 15th.

Jack Frost Challenge is Coming to Town

Winter has come, which means that our annual outdoor winter event is right around the corner!

Equitable Cities | A Recap of our Speaker Event

Curious about our recent speaker event? Read our detailed recap, summarized by Mel Marginet.

GoManitoba: Join the Rideshare Platform now!

Help reduce the number of cars on our roads by joining GoManitoba!

Why Sustainable Commuting?

Whether you want to increase employee health, improve productivity, reduce absenteeism, achieve a mandate on sustainability or are concerned about corporate social responsibility, making your workplace vehicle optional is for you.

There are countless benefits for employers and employees alike. Green Action Centre’s Workplace Commuter Options program is here to share knowledge and provide fact-based solutions to help make sustainable commuting within reach for Manitobans.

Our Highlights

Here are a few of the ways we help Manitobans commute more sustainably. 

Looking to learn more about sustainable commuter options at work? Check out our available resources!

Want to green your office but don’t know where to start? Use our GoHappy consulting services!

Need a carpool partner for work or play? Looking for a bike mentor? Find yours with our free app, GoManitoba