Join local organizations, residents and stakeholders in a discussion about reduced residential speed limits, and what safe speeds can do for you, your family, and your community.

Safe Speeds Town Hall
Hosted by Wolseley Residents Association, Green Action Centre, and Safe Speeds Winnipeg

DATE: Thursday, December 5, 2019
TIME: 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Old Grace Housing Co-op (200 Arlington St)

Let us know you’re coming! Help us facilitate a meaningful discussion, and register so we know how many people to expect.


The town hall will feature presentations from Safe Speeds Winnipeg about residential speed limits, urban design and impacts on the community. Following presentations, there will be opportunities for discussion, and sharing ideas, questions and concerns. (More about safe speeds below!)

Refreshments provided. Accessible venue. Everyone welcome.

Questions or inquiries? Email or call (204) 925-3777 x114. 

30km/h is the internationally recognized safe speed for urban neighbourhoods. Road safety is a growing issue in Winnipeg. This year, Winnipeg has experienced higher rates of pedestrian deaths than have been seen in over 20 years. Cities around the world are slowing down their speed limits to combat road safety issues, and support healthy, thriving communities.

  • Safe speeds support healthy, thriving neighbourhoods – children are more likely to play outside and commute actively to school, older adults are able to get around independently and safely, and retail businesses thrive with increased traffic as people bike or walk
  • Safe speeds are everywhere – cities around the world are implementing 30km/hr (or 30mph) speed limits
  • Safe speeds are affordable – it’s cheap to implement and save money as less resources are used on responding to emergencies or maintaining/developing automobile infrastructure
  • Safe speeds are about the right to move safely – reduced speeds support the safety of everyone who uses the road – people who walk or bike, people who take transit, people who drive a car. Safe speeds reduces the number and the severity of collisions.

Learn more at