Cycletrack on Assinboine Ave (Photo by Anders Swanson)

We are always looking for that perfect photo to communicate different aspects of our programs and the ideas we want to share. It’s nice to have images that we all recognize from our Manitoban gardens and landscapes, roads and bridges. If you have a little time to volunteer and a digital camera, maybe you would like to snap a few shots and share them with us! Just choose from our (rather long) list below, and send them to by email ( Some of the items are seasonal, but it’s a long term project. We will be sure to credit you as the much appreciated photographer!


Cycling and Pedestrian Infrastructure
Pedestrian refuge
Curb bump-out
Mini traffic circle
Speed humps
Pedestrian bridges (Esplanade Riel, Omand’s Creek, etc.)
Multi-use pathway (paved and unpaved)
Bike lanes (preferably with cyclists on them)
Pedestrian corridor (with overhead lights) vs. crossing (signs only)
Assiniboine Avenue cycletrack (bikeway) in spring, summer, fall, and winter, snow cleared and un-cleared, in use and not in use, and maybe even with infractions (e.g. cars parked in bikeway)

Transportation Modes and Populations
School zones, universities
Happy people on the bus, reading, conversing, texting, and looking out the window
Transit stops (well serviced and not so well serviced)
Bus in diamond lane
Cyclist in diamond lane
Commuter cycling shots (must be wearing helmets)
Commuter pedestrian shots (general)
Inline skating
Carpool style shots (i.e. more than one adult in a car)
Telecommuting style shots (e.g. laptop in a café)

Different street signs (school zone, crosswalk, sharrow/share the road)
People walking/biking/busing with groceries or suits and briefcases
Stroller + suit
Baby looking left and right
People carrying lots of things with their bicycles, cargo bikes
Cool and different bikes
Public Art
Chaos at malls and around box stores
Line-up at Tim Horton’s Drive-Thru

Green living stuff
Digging in a garden
Handling plants / veggies
Compost bins or piles
Chemical household cleaners
Signs where lawns have been sprayed with chemicals