As July comes to an end, so does the international challenge ‘Plastic Free July’. This challenge, which started in Australia, has grown into a world-wide campaign encouraging individuals cutout single-use plastic from their everyday life.  

reusable plate with vegetarian bunwich and metal forkAt Green Action Centre, we have just finished our second year of hosting events to celebrate reducing single-use plastics, and raising awareness about the issue of plastic waste. 

Our first event to kick off the month was a plastic free lunch at the Forks Market Plaza, with food generously catered by Tall Grass Prairie Bread Co. Over 75 people attended this event, enjoying lunch without any single-use plastic.


documentary screening discussion panel

Following the success of that event, we hosted a documentary screening of the film Plasticized, followed by a panel discussion.

For our third and final event, we called the public to action. We hosted a letter writing campaign targeted to grocery stores, advocating for the reduction of single-use plastics from their business. 


Green Action Centre is proud of Manitobans for taking the challenge to cut out single-use plastics from their lives.

Despite the official challenge being over, the work is not yet done. There is still a tremendous amount of plastic and microplastics littered in our streets, forests, and oceans. With everything we have learned this month, we are encouraged to continue the challenge far past July.

So where do we go from here?

A few steps could include:

  • Bringing your own reusable produce and shopping bags when you are grocery shopping
  • Make sure to bring your own cutlery when grabbing take-out
  • Always bringing a reusable water bottle and/or coffee thermos with you
  • Refusing straws and carrying a reusable option

Living a sustainable lifestyle may be more nuanced, but these small changes can have a lasting impact. 

For a further commitment, talk to your family and friends, request restaurants and grocery stores to reduce the amount of plastic they use, write to your policy makers and encourage them to put measures in place which can help us break free from our addiction to plastic. We believe in you.Good luck out there!