How to: Green Your Commutetransit_user

So you’re keen to participate in one or both of the challenges, but not quite sure where to start? You’ve come to the right place! This page is full of resources on signing up as an individual, or gearing up your workplace to become more commuter challenge ready.

Getting Started

If you are fresh to these challenges, or looking to revamp your current participation, check this section out. There’s description of both events, some quick tips and tricks to keeping on track, and of course the means to register for Commuter Challenge or Jack Frost Challenge.

Coordinator’s Corner

As your workplace’s Commuter Challenge coordinator, you have an important role to play in the success of your organization’s participation in the event. This section draws on the experience of those who have succeeded in the past to make Manitoba a national leader in this annual event. This handy page ensures everything you need is a click away.