Clean Air Day at the Bridge 2019

Join the Green Action Centre team during your morning commute to help us celebrate Clean Air Day. We’ll be set up on the Legislative Building grounds right by the Osborne Bridge with fresh coffee, treats and lots of information about the Commuter Challenge from 6:45...

Commuter Challenge Media Launch 2019

Join us Friday, May 31st to celebrate the kick-off of Green Action Centre’s 16th year of Commuter Challenge! We will be accompanied by Ace Burpee, Minister Squires, and Councillor Allard. There will be plenty of snacks, coffee and information about the challenge for...

Commuter Challenge

The annual Commuter Challenge is a week-long challenge that encourages Canadians to choose sustainable modes of commuting. Participants are encouraged to walk, run, cycle, skate, bus, carpool, or telecommute as an alternative to single-occupant driving. The week of...

Bike Week 2019

June 17-23, 2019 will mark the 6th annual Bike Week Winnipeg! Bike Week is a week long celebration of the bicycle and everyone that rides. “It’s for everyone” because they aim to provide something for every type of cyclist. Whether you ride for recreation,...