Jack Frost Challenge is over, and what a week we had to enjoy it in! We had excellent weather to get out and try some outdoor commuting, and just to get outside and have some fun! This year was a really successful year, and you can learn more on how we did in Manitoba here.
An important aspect of Jack Frost Challenge to us however is to make sure we show up and perform at these events ourselves! Green Action Centre staff took on the challenge and tried both some new and unique commuting habits, as well as got out and had some real outdoor fun.
Check out our stories below:
Justin Quigley (Living Green Living Well)
This year I finally had a chance to get involved with Jack Frost Challenge, and I decided to really go for it. Over the summer I did some run commuting from work to home (more on that later!) and once the weather dipped below freezing I shied away from continuing it. Jack Frost Challenge was the perfect opportunity to try it out in the winter. My gear for winter run commuting was not ideal…after all, who really buys waterproof runners? Thankfully, the weather was great this year to try it out and I had a ton of fun. It was difficult fitting it into my schedule, so my lesson to continue run commuting is to really make sure I have a plan for truly building it into my lifestyle. Here’s hoping!
Lea Cote (Active and Safe Routes to School)
Last year, after getting outside and trying cross country skiing, I found something to enjoy about winter again. Now I know I’m not an avid cross country skiier, and I’m still a beginner, but it really does make me happy to go skiing. Jack Frost is all about getting outside to find the fun outdoors in winter, and that’s what this does. I’m sure, from now on, I’ll continue this outdoor activity for years to come.
I used Jack Frost Challenge as a gentle nudge to get myself out of the bus and onto my feet for my daily commute. While I unfortunately had to drive a few times during the challenge, for work purposes, I was significantly more active than I have been so far this winter! I walked just about everywhere, a feat made possible because I live and work centrally. I discovered that distances that seemed unreasonably far to walk are a lot more doable than I expected, and a great reason to catch up on some of my favourite podcasts. The best thing I got to do as part of JFC was skate to work on the river trail! I did it because it seemed like such a quirky way to commute and I wanted the badge of honour, but I loved it. If the weather holds, I plan on doing this more often, because while it took a bit longer I got to work joyful and energized. I love the speed and freedom of skating but don’t do it nearly often enough – in three years of living in Winnipeg, that was my first time on the river trail. If you’re thinking of trying a new outdoor activity, but are uncertain about it, I highly recommend grabbing a friend to join you: it makes it more fun!
Tracy Hucul (Executive Director)
Instead of busing to work, which I usually do in the winter, I made a commitment to try and walk everyday. To challenge myself and make it interesting, I would pick a different route most mornings. Rather than walk the quickest route, which also seems the busiest, I focused on finding quiet streets and trails in the park or alongside the river. I really enjoyed the walk behind the legislative building and down Assiniboine Avenue. It made me think about trying winter cycling, since it’s the path I usually ride in the summer. Maybe during next year’s Jack Frost Challenge!
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