With the hustle and bustle of every day life, we are continually disconnected from the outdoors. This is especially true when it comes to winter. A disconnected community/ society can lead to a lack of appreciation and support for environmental sustainability and health. Many people face barriers when it comes to spending time outdoors once the weather gets cold. We are here to inspire you to change the stigma around staying indoors during the winter!

Here are ways to incorporate more outdoor time into your daily routine during the winter:

  • Start up a neighbourhood walking/ running group, to help motivate yourself and others to stay active and get outdoors. This could also apply to walking children to and from school.
  • Support School Travel Plans by encouraging families and children in your neighbourhood to actively commute to school. Offer them the resources and options available so they can make the right choices for their schedule. Set an example for other families that actively commuting to school in the winter is not only possible, but also enjoyable!
  • Learn about winter cycling safety, and challenge yourself to try cycling to work or school. Start off small with cycling once month, and gradually increase as you become more comfortable. Here is some information on cycling in winter.
  • Take advantage of outdoor events that are fun for the whole family, like Winter Carnivals at your local community centre.
  • Finding fun outdoor activities that the whole family can enjoy is key! For example, take the family out for a winter scavenger hunt. Check out CBC for their Printable Winter Scavenger Hunt.
  • Sign up for our Jack Frost Challenge in February and spend as much active time as you can outdoors for a week! Register here today!
  • Throw an outdoor party for your child, friend, or family member’s birthday, with an activity like tobogganing, skating, skiing, or snowshoeing.
  • Volunteer for local organizations that require outdoor work. Visit Volunteer Manitoba’s website for existing and future opportunities.
  • Try making these great DIY hand warmers for those long afternoons outside. You can even use recycled material from around the house!
