Sshhh, someone might hear us…have you ever re-gifted something? It’s ok, you can tell me, it’s just between us.
It feels a little Truth or Dare-esque, doesn’t it? Asking someone if they’ve ever re-gifted or admitting to the ‘crime’ yourself? For many, there’s an assumed stigma, like wearing a letter ‘R’ on your chest – reminiscent of the label maker episode of Seinfeld.
Let’s break down the wall on this purportedly shameful activity. It really doesn’t need to be that dramatic, I promise. Here’s my confession: one year at an office holiday gift exchange, I re-wrapped a store-bought potholder/dishcloth/oven mitt set (kind of like this one) that I had received days before at another gift exchange and happily threw it into the mix to steal/trade between colleagues.
I don’t miss it and I don’t feel bad about it. Part of me felt momentarily guilty – the giver may have spent a lot of time selecting that gift, perhaps even found it cute – but the other more honest half of me never felt freer!
I didn’t have to throw it in the garbage, it went to a good home – and even if the new owner chose to re-gift it to someone else, my feelings wouldn’t be hurt. The truth is that we all get gifts that aren’t our tastes/styles/preferences, it’s the nature of gift giving, hence the invention of gift cards. All of us, even Grandma, end up with items we have no use for. Let us re-gift without judgment.
There are a few re-gifting basics to keep in mind and of course, another option is to just start out on the right foot by buying sustainable gifts. Otherwise, Rudolf’s your uncle. Go ahead. Do it. I dare you.
Regiving can go round in various ways. If not a true personal re-giving, Donate. There are always fund raising silent auctions from charities that can benefit from your up cycled donation. They are always appreciated.