We were honored to help lead a tree planting event to strengthen Greenway School’s Community Forest in May 2024 alongside the Manitoba Eco-Network, Trees Winnipeg, the West End Resource Centre, and Greendrop. This event was made possible thanks to Green Community Canada’s Living Cities Canada Fund, a national initiative designed to increase community-led green infrastructure.

Projects supported by the Living Cities Canada Fund will help Canadian communities to become more resilient, vibrant, and healthy places to live by reducing the urban heat island effect, improving stormwater management, mitigating flood risks, improving local air quality, and supporting the physical and mental well-being of its residents.

We were not only able to assist with planting 51 trees while we were at the school, we also got an opportunity to learn more about Greenway School’s incredible initiatives to create a healthier community for people living in the neighbourhood. Learn more about what they’re up to by watching our interview with Nick Skrabek, one of the teachers at Greenway Community School, below.

It is so hopeful learning about the collective actions Manitobans are taking in an effort to make Mother Earth a safe and healthy place to live for generations to come.

If you’re interested in supporting the long-term sustainability of the Greenway School Community Forest project, you can make a donation through the Manitoba Eco-Network’s website here.