Magical Mystery Thrift Bus Tour

Start: November 24, 2018 9:00 am

Want to finish your Christmas shopping early, and buy local, eco-friendly gifts? Join this year’s Magical Mystery Thrift Bus tour on Saturday, November 24th from 9am – 2:30pm, as you visit 4 thrift shops around Winnipeg to shop for gifts. Tickets are o… Read More

Jack Frost Challenge | Bougeons en Hiver

Start: February 3, 2019 6:00 am

The Jack Frost Challenge is a free, week-long challenge for ALL Manitobans. Gather a team of 1-5 family members, friends, or co-workers to complete 130 collective kilometres of outdoor activities. This could include skating, running, walking, biking, c… Read More

Learn to Compost (in Winter too!) & Bird’s Hill AGM

Start: November 28, 2018 7:00 pm
Venue: Springfield Public Library

Friends of Bird’s Hill Park is hosting their AGM, featuring Master Composter Volunteers giving a presentation on how to compost (even in winter). Please see attached poster for details! Please help them plan — register in advance by emailing: info@fri… Read More

Winter Bike Film Screening and Panel

Start: November 28, 2018 7:00 pm
Venue: The Hive in Lockhart Hall, University of Winnipeg

Come watch a film about the winter-biking experience hosted by the UWSA Bike Lab! Everybody is welcome and the event is free to attend. A panel discussion will take place after the screening. Refreshments will be served.

Buy Nothing Day 2018

Start: November 23, 2018 12:00 am
Venue: World-Wide Event

Some argue that ‘Buy Nothing Day’ can be the start of a life-changing lifestyle commitment, where others claim it’s meaningless, as observers simply buy more the following day. Either way, there’s no doubt that going without buying anything for an enti… Read More