Clean Air Day 2020

Start: June 3, 2020 12:00 am
Venue: Your Home

The 5th annual Clean Air Day for Schools – at home.  A day for kids (and adults too) to spend time outdoors, celebrate active transportation, and learn how air quality impacts our health and the health of the environment.   Let’s keep having fun, from… Read More

Bike Everywhere Month

Start: May 1, 2020 12:00 am

Why stop at school, ride your bike everywhere! Bike to School Month this year is Bike Everywhere Month! As people stay home and avoid crowds, our streets are quieter than ever. Add in spring weather, and it’s the perfect time to get around on a bike. H… Read More

Commuter Challenge Workplace Coordinator Info Session

Start: May 7, 2020 12:00 pm
Venue: Launch Coworking Space

Do you want to bring sustainable commuting practices to your workplace? Register your workplace for the annual Commuter Challenge event to encourage your colleagues to walk, wheel, bike, bus, carpool, or work from home. Join us for the Commuter Challen… Read More

Commuter Challenge

Start: May 31, 2020 12:00 am
Venue: All of Manitoba

A week-long challenge that encourages Canadians to choose active and sustainable commutes. Workplaces and individuals explore sustainable commuting options that benefit people and the planet, such as; walking, running, wheeling, cycling, rollerblading,… Read More

Backyard Composting 101

Start: February 25, 2020 7:00 pm
Venue: Herman Prior Activity Centre - Crocus Room

          Free public presentation on the basics of backyard composting! Are you new to composting? Maybe you’ve composted for a while but feel like you’re stabbing in the dark and want some reassurance. Or maybe you’ve heard a… Read More