End: November 24, 2023 11:59 pm
Venue: Everywhere
Accessibility: For questions about accessibility and accommodations, please call us at 204-925-3777 or email us
Buy Nothing Day takes place on the same day as Black Friday. To participate in the Buy Nothing Day movement all you have to do is refrain from participating in Black Friday.
Here’s the issue with Black Friday: It promotes over consumption. It promotes the purchase of unnecessary items. It promotes waste.
Have you ever thought about the resources that it takes to produce the item you are purchasing? The impact production is having on people around the world? Or what will happen to your item if it breaks (or you decide you no longer need it)?
Buy Nothing Day “isn’t just about changing your habits for one day” but “about starting a lasting lifestyle commitment to consuming less and producing less waste” says founder of the day, Ted Dave.
Let’s keep this Buy Nothing movement going forward!
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