We offer a range of options to help you assess, plan and measure a comprehensive approach to a commuting options program specifically geared to your workplace and employees.
GoHappy can help you to:
- survey current commuting needs and desires of your workforce
- assess your current infrastructure, policies and programs
- set targets, develop an action plan and timeline
- assist with implementation plans
- provide solutions for behaviour change and encouragement
- offer a variety of training sessions and workshops for employees that will promote implementation success
- create and manage a long-term assessment plan for key metrics
Contact us for package details and pricing
GoHappy@greenactioncentre.ca | (204) 925-3772
Check out highlights from recent GoHappy projects for Manitoba-based employers.
Learn more about our entire Workplace Commuter Options program today.
Good Morning
I am a Health Care Worker at Health Sciences Centre. I typically commute to work with my bike at least 6 months of the work year. I park my bike in the indoor bike room of our Emily Street parkade. Historically we had to purchase a key for the door and tag our bike and lock with an HSC parking sticker. I think the key was around $25. I received information that HSC is changing the door to an electronic swiping system and that there would now be an annual fee of $50 to park inside or $30 annually to park in a caged outdoor area.
Is this a trend that is familiar to your group? Do you have suggestions on how I could go about raising the issue with this large facility? Are there incentives to subsidize non vehicle transportation for businesses?
I’m so discouraged that this is happening while receiving daily e-mails about staff wellness during a pandemic.
Thank you for your time
Hi Karen,
That is indeed frustrating. I’m going to send you an email to work on your specific case, but you might also be interested in these two pages: