Commuter Challenge: Workplace Coordinator Corner

Green Action Centre is here to help you bring the Commuter Challenge to your workplace!

Step 1Register your workplace. Select ‘Manitoba‘ and then your city/town/village. Input your company name, your name, contact information, number of employees, and how you found out about the event.

Step 2: Once you are registered, obtain your unique registration URL. Send this to your co-workers for an easy registration.

Step 3: Register for our workplace coordinator information session to learn the most effective ways to lead the Commuter Challenge at your workplace.

After you have completed these steps, make use of the resources below to increase participation with your team!


 Workplace Coordinator Resources

Jack Frost Challenge is Coming to Town

Winter has come, which means that our annual outdoor winter event is right around the corner!

Commuter Challenge 2024 Results & Prize Winners!

This year’s results are IN! It’s time to see your impact!

Commuter Challenge 2024 – Prize List

Learn what YOU could win while saving money and the environment during this year’s Commuter Challenge 2024!

Commuter Challenge 2024

Polish up your bikes and arrange your carpool, Commuter Challenge is back in just over a month!


Results are in! Prizes have been won! Let’s see who took on the Jack Frost Challenge


Full prize list available here!






    Original stickers designed by Deanna Bogaski.

    Walk! sticker ||  Carpool! sticker || Bus! sticker || Bike! sticker

      Social Media Posts:

      Our workplace is registered for #CommuterChallengeMB! Join us in choosing healthy and sustainable commutes during the week of June 2-8, 2019. We challenge you to take on the challenge with us! (Click to Tweet

      Our workplace is gearing up for #CommuterChallengeMB taking place June 2-8! We are tuning our bikes, loading our peggo cards, and matching with carpool partners. We are ready to take on the challenge! (Click to Tweet

      Want to go head to head with our workplace? Register for #CommuterChallengeMB to compete with us on sustainability! We intend to walk, bike, bus, carpool, and telecommute our way to victory! (Click to Tweet


      GoManitoba is a FREE province-wide platform that connects individuals from multiple workplaces, organizations, and communities. Choose to commute with others from your workplace, or those who are simply travelling the same route as you. Learn more about using GoManitoba here.