It’s that time of year again! Time to get registered & log your green commutes for Commuter Challenge 2017! Cut off date in June 16th at Noon – then we start drawing prizes! Sign in to record your commutes taken June 4-10 of the challenge.

Every year in June, over 20,000 Canadians participate in greener commuting options during this week-long event! This is a FREE event that encourage workplaces and individuals to explore green transportation options which benefit people and the planet. Register and log your green commutes during the week of June 4 – 10 to participate and win prizes!! Green commutes include cycling, walking, taking the bus, carpooling & telecommuting; pretty much any mode of transportation that isn’t driving alone in your car! You can register individually or with your workplace.

Click here to learn more about the event, 2017 prizes, and how to bring commuter challenge to your workplace! 

