Don’t Put the Brakes On Active Transportation Funding
Active transportation in Winnipeg is caught between a parked car and the curb when it comes to finishing key infrastructure projects before federal funding runs dry next spring.
Active transportation in Winnipeg is caught between a parked car and the curb when it comes to finishing key infrastructure projects before federal funding runs dry next spring.
Winnipeg, MB – September 29, 2010
The current municipal election campaign is an opportunity for Manitobans to put the environment on the public agenda. Green Action Centre encourages citizens across the province to ask all candidates for mayor/ reeve and council what they will do to make their communities greener.
Development plans in Manitoba should undergo a Peak Oil Test to assess how resilient communities can be in the face of anticipated petroleum shortages and skyrocketing prices. Find out more.
Check out the non-profit hub for information on Climate Change in Manitoba. This group wants to see every Manitoban knowledgable and taking action on Climate Change both at home and in the community. Check out their website for information, presentations, tools to take action and much more!
It left many Manitobans scratching their heads. They thought that the 2-cent levy on beverage containers was supposed to disappear from cash register receipts in the province after March 31. But many consumers are finding the charges still listed on their bills.
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