Take the Just One Trip Pledge!
Gas is expensive, parking is a hassle and traffic keeps getting worse. What if there was a less stressful way to travel? At GoManitoba, we’re here to help!
Gas is expensive, parking is a hassle and traffic keeps getting worse. What if there was a less stressful way to travel? At GoManitoba, we’re here to help!
Cities are recognizing how important a survivable residential speed limit is for safety and to encourage more people to walk and bike for more trips!
In 2021, Winnipeg finds itself in the midst of a health crisis, a humanitarian crisis, an economic crisis and an environmental crisis. We need brave, bold action now more than ever. Ensuring we have a transportation network that provides mobility choice to all Winnipeggers will position us on the path to becoming a happier, healthier, wealthier city in 2022 and beyond.
The City of Winnipeg is developing an Infill Development Strategy. Read about the information sessions held with City staff and community experts this past winter.
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