We closed off the 2018-2019 fiscal year with our annual AGM this month where we elected new board members and celebrated another year of hard work. A few highlights from the 2018-2019 year included:

  • Claimed the national Commuter Challenge title once again, for Manitoba
  • Tripled the amount of organic waste Compost Winnipeg collects each month
  • Increased focus on plastic reduction, including developing resources for individuals and businesses and promoting Plastic Free July
  • Started moving our focus beyond food waste diversion to food waste reduction
  • Launched GoManitoba’s Single-Trip Matching and Emergency Ride Home features
  • Presented to 16 First Nation communities about recycling and climate change, reaching 1272 students and 93 teachers

See our 2018-19 Impact Report here

See our 2019-2020 Board of Directors here

Tracy Hucul, Executive Director

Lynne Skromeda, Board Chair

Executive Director & Board Chair Note

The 2018-19 year was one of continued growth for Green Action Centre. It was also a time of increased urgency. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report in fall of 2018 told us that we have 12 years to avoid climate catastrophe. This doesn’t mean we have 12 years until we act—it means we have to act now and our actions must be bold. This has set us on a path beyond our traditional positive green messaging and into the ring with others to raise the alarm and mobilize Manitobans to avoid a climate crisis. We are still focused on helping people live green and live well but we are also now concentrating on preparing Manitobans for a fundamental shift in how we live, work and play, helping them better prepare for climate resilience.

We’ve expanded our partnerships and collaborations, understanding that we cannot succeed in this critical work alone. We’ve also expanded our support of waste reduction efforts in Manitoba’s Indigenous communities, and our programs and messaging have reached more Manitobans this year than ever. Internally, we’ve been diversifying our revenue base and we are providing a more structured focus on organizational development and wellbeing, including launching a workplace health and benefits program at the start of 2019.

We thank everyone we’ve worked with over the past year including all three levels of government, the Winnipeg Foundation, our corporate sponsors and other stakeholders from the business and non profit sector, volunteers, donors, students, and teachers. In addition, of course, our diligent board of directors and incredibly dedicated and inspiring staff who walk the walk on their path toward increased environmental sustainability. Whether we’re enabling you to find more sustainable alternatives to driving alone, preparing you to use less plastic, rethink the purchases you make and products you use, or teaching you how to compost and reduce your food waste, every action matters — every choice, every day.

Over the next 3-5 years we will ensure we remain focused on the most effective use of our resources, carry on with efforts to strengthen organizational capacity for long term sustainability, enhance and refine what we already do—including Compost Winnipeg’s services—and we will continue to engage our hearts and our minds to help Manitobans act and create a more sustainable, low carbon future.