Low Cost Bike Helmet Initiative – Order Deadline is November 7!
Manitoba is pleased to offer the Low Cost Bike Helmet Initiative for the 10th consecutive year. Since its inception, over 97,000 helmets have been distributed to families and children across Manitoba, including over including over 9,000 free helmets to children facing financial barriers. Keeping children and youth safe is a priority for us all. On May 1, 2013, mandatory bicycle helmet legislation was proclaimed for cyclists under the age of 18.
We are celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the Low Cost Bike Helmet Initiative. In October 2014, all schools in Manitoba will receive an information package. It will include information about the initiative, how to participate and order helmets, and important dates and order deadlines. Parents, children and youth can order bicycle helmets for $15 including taxes, shipping and handling. Students are to return their orders with payment by cheque no later than November 7, 2014. We hope that your schools will participate in this important initiative to promote bicycle safety for Manitoba children.
For detailed information about the Low Cost Bike Helmet Initiative, please visit www.manitoba.ca/healthyschools which contains new resources and links.
For more information about Healthy Schools, please contact:
Healthy Schools
Phone: (204) 788-6394
Email: healthyschools@gov.mb.ca
Web: www.gov.mb.ca/healthyschools
My grand daughter is a preschooler, but we would like to have her use a helmet on her trike so that she is accustomed to wearing a helmet whenever biking. How can we order one for her on this program?
Contact Healthy Schools at the following coordinates:
Healthy Schools
Phone: (204) 788-6394
Email: healthyschools@gov.mb.ca
Web: http://www.gov.mb.ca/healthyschools