Being new to Winnipeg I think I see it in a different light. While bike commuting may still not be ideal here, take ‘The Pembina gap’ for example, just about anyone can bike anywhere here on pleasant routes with light traffic.
I have been bike commuting in Central Ontario where I feel there is both more traffic and more aggressive traffic. It comes as a pleasant shock to have people stop their cars to let me cross streets without me having to press crossing signals.
Winnipeg has so many options for alternative transport:
- A vast network of major and minor street bike lanes
- Multi-use paths separate from motorized traffic
- A few rivers for really alternative commuting (try parking a 16′ canoe in a bike rack or IMPARK lot)
- And the steps taking place to improve a great bus service already in place.
The past 7 months have been great cycling and I look forward to many more years of commuting in something other than my car or van.
–Michael Stasica
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