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From Our Website
Did you know we have a series of blogs on this website talking about various compost-related topics? Here’s links to a few key sources to get you started.
- Benefits of school-wide composting
- Community Compost sites in Winnipeg
- Community Composting
- Compost Bin Options (with links to building plans)
- Compost Pickup Service – Compost Winnipeg
- Compost Tea
- Compost Your Christmas Party
- Compostable Packaging Demystified
- Composting Basics and Getting Started
- Composting FAQs
- Composting Paper
- Dealing with Pests in your Compost
- Harvesting/Using Vermicompost
- Harvesting/Using Your Compost
- How to Compost all Winter
- How to Vermicompost
- Local Food Sources in Winnipeg
- ON SITE multi-family composting project
- School Composting
- School Composting Tips
- Vermicompost FAQs
- When to Harvest your compost – Spring or Fall
- Winter composting – To layer or not to layer?
- Workplace Composting
- Why compost at School?
Online Composting Resources
- Compost Council of Canada: www.compost.org
- The Humanure Handbook: http://humanurehandbook.com/
- Bio Cycle (Composting Industry Periodical): http://www.biocycle.net/
- Biodegradable Product Institute: http://www.bpiworld.org/
- Cornell University’s Small Scale Composting page: http://cwmi.css.cornell.edu/composting.htm#smallcomposting
- Statistics Canada stats on Household Composting in Canada: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/16-002-x/2013001/article/11848-eng.htm
- Statistics Canada stats on Recycling in Canada: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/16-002-x/2007001/article/10174-eng.htm
- Washington State University academic research on composting: http://csanr.wsu.edu/compost/
- Compost Education Centre in Victoria, BC: https://www.compost.bc.ca/
- The Compost Guy: http://www.compostguy.com/
Recommended Reading
At Green Action Centre, we maintain a collection of great books on composting. Whether you’re interested in biosolid composting, backyard composting, vermicomposting, or mid-to-large-scale composting, we either have a resource on hand or can help you find something! Here’s a partial list of what we have on hand. We even have some great children’s books on backyard and vermicomposting. Contact us for a complete directory of our lending resources as we also have backissues of BioCycle and directories.
Campbell, Stu. “Let It Rot! The Gardeners Guide to Composting.” Pownal, Vermont: Storey Publishing, 1990. |
Comision Para La Conservation De Los Recursos Naturales De Texas. “Manual de Capacitación Para Especialistas En Composta.”Austin, Texas: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. 2000. |
Ebeling, Eric. (Ed.)., Carl Hursh and Patti Olenick. “Basic Composting: All the Skills and Tools You Need to Get Started.” Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania: Stackpole Books. 2003. |
Gershuny, Grace. (Ed.). And Deborah L. Martin. (Ed.). “The Rodale Book of Composting.” Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press. 1992. |
McGrath, Mike. “Mike McGrath’s Book of Compost.” Toronto, Canada: Sterling Publishing Co., 2006. |
Noyes, Nick. “Easy Composters You Can Build.” Stoney Publishing, 1995. |
Organic Gardening Magazine.”Make Compost in 14 Days.” Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press. 1982. |
Roulac, John W. “Backyard Composting: Your Complete Guide to Recycling Yard Clippings.” Ojai, California: Harmonious Press. 1995. |
Rubin, Carole “How to get Your Lawn & Garden Off Drugs.” Ottawa, Ontario: Friends of the Earth. 1989. |
Pleasant, Barbara. And Deborah L. Martin. “The Complete Compost Gardening Guide.” North Adams, Massachusetts: Storey Publishing. 2008. |
Shepherd, Allan. “The Little Book of Compost.” London, United Kingdom: HarperCollins Publishers. 2007 |
Scott, Nicky. “Composting: An Easy Household Guide.” White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing Company. 2005. |
Thompson, Ken. “Compost: The natural way to make food for your garden.” New York, New York: DK Publishing. 2007. |
Cullen, Mark and Lorraine Johnson. “The Real Dirt.” Toronto, Ontario: Penguin Books. 1992. |
Portman, Michelle Eva. “Compost, By Gosh!” Kalamazoo, Michigan: Flower Press, 2003. |
Koontz, Robin. “Composting: Nature’s Recyclers.” Minneapolis, Minnesota: Picture Window Books. 2007. |
Siddals, Mary McKenna. “Compost Stew: An A to Z Recipe for the Earth.” New York, New York: Tricycle Press. 2010. |
Goldman, Lily A. “Mrs. Nosy: A Composting Story.” 2009 |
Roulston, Larraine. “Pee Wee and the Magical Compost Heap.” Recycling Resource Service. 1992. |
Roulston, Larraine. “Pee Wee’s Family in a Nutshell.” Recycling Resource Service. 2005. |
Roulston, Larraine. “Pee Wee’s Great Adventure: A Guide to Vermicomposting.” Recycling Resource Service. 1999. |
Can’t find what your looking for? Call our Compost Info-Line:
204 925 3777 or Toll-Free: 1 866 394 8880