Fall means back to school and back to work for many Manitobans. The roads swell with motor vehicle traffic. Idling cars wrap around schools. Leaves tumble to the ground and are bagged and sent off to the landfill.
Green Action Centre works to change these scenarios every day. Donate to Green Action Centre this fall through your workplace All Charities Campaign (if you are an employee of the Province of Manitoba) or online through Canada Helps (available for everyone). Your donation supports:
- School travel planning in your neighbourhood
- Classroom presentations on environmental topics (like Litterless Lunches)
- Employee commuting options at your workplace
- Free how-to-compost workshops
- Master Composter training in your community
- tips and advice on greener living
- a lively EcoBlog, the annual Commuter Challenge, event listings, myth busting and much more!
Consider a monthly contribution. It’s a great way for even small amounts to make a big difference. Thank you!
P.S. In case you are looking for this information, the Manitoba Government All Charities number for Green Action Centre is G054.