Green Living Resources

School Services

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It’s back-to-school season, and we’re gearing up for another great year of partnerships with Manitoba’s schools. Last year, our presentations alone reached an impressive 12,000 students across this province!

Our goal is to continue expanding our reach, sharing the resources that we’ve spent the past 30 years developing. If we haven’t already contacted you about our school services, we’d love to hear from you. We recommend registering early in the school year to avoid disappointment.


iWalk (October 2017) – REGISTER TODAY!
Fall Province Wide Count* (October 23-27, 2017)
Jack Frost Challenge (February TBD 2018)
Winter Province Wide Count* (February 12-16, 2018)
Bike to School Month (May – June TBD, 2018)
Spring Province Wide Count* (May 14-18, 2018)
Clean Air Day (June TBD, 2018)
Commuter Challenge (June 2018)

*Events that rural schools can participate in.

For more information, email or call us at 204-925-3777.

Classroom Presentations – Winnipeg Schools

What’s Hiding in Our Air? (Grades K-6)
Eating Our Way to Brighter Skies (Grades K-6)
Food Waste: Local Choices & Global Impacts (Grades 7-12)

For more information, email or check out our New School PresentationsPlease note that these school presentations are funding dependent. 

Professional Development for Staff & Teachers

Green Commuting Options
Creating a Commuter Friendly Workplace
Bike Route Planning
Cycling Skills
Basic Bike Maintenance
Greening Your Workplace

For more information, email or register for our Greener Living Presentations.


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