Green Living Resources

Passports to Winter Fun are BACK!

footprints being made as person walks through deep snow

It’s time to make the most of our Manitoba Winter and the Passports to Winter Fun will help you take full advantage of those frosty days!

There are so many fun winter activities for you to enjoy – from skiing, skating and snowshoeing, or you can try your hand at winter biking or jogging, and so much more! Our Jack Frost Challenge Passports have all the motivation you need, and you can check off as many or as few achievements as you want throughout the week. It is a fun addition to motivate you and help you meet your collective team (or solo) goal of 130km. We will have three passports available, from general winter activities in Manitoba, kids and family fun, to adventures specifically geared to Winnipeg.

It gets even better, we’ve partnered up with some amazing local businesses for that extra bit of encouragement along the way!

Maybe your kids could use a midday-activity treat! Or you need some coffee to keep up…
Both Fête Ice Cream & Coffee AND Oh Doughnuts have some sweet deals to give you the fuel you need to continue climbing towards your goals!

Grab a hot meal and cold beer to fuel your adventures at Nonsuch Brewing!

You can even contact Kendricks Outdoor Adventures for rental deals with your special promo code if you want to try out snowshoeing or fatbiking!

Take a trip to Planet Pantry to grab soaps (and more!) to clean off with after all your physical activities, they are offering discounts just for you!

We hope to have even more deals for participants to enjoy as the Challenge approaches, keep your eyes peeled for updates!

Make sure that you register for Jack Frost Challenge 2022 to receive the official passport and those awesome deals, we will distribute them to all registered individuals before the Challenge starts. 

We also have a special Prize Pack exclusive to teams or individuals that take part in the Passport to Winter Fun! To qualify you simply have to share your achievements via social media with the hashtag #SayFreezeMB and tag us in your post/story! The winner will be selected at random, the more achievements that you post the more entries you will get!

Thank you to our sponsors!

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