Green Living Resources

Active & Green Fall 2011

Looking to improve commuter options at your workplace?

Request resources on cycling, carpooling, commuting surveys and tracking progress, among others.

Book a presentation on the various commuting options, as well as fuel-efficient driving, creating a commuter friendly workplace, and greening the workplace.

Talk to us about implementing a Smart Trips program at your workplace.


Upcoming Events


International Car Free Day

September 22

Moving Planet

September 24

iWALK Month

October 1-31

Campus Commuter Challenge

October 17-21


Waste Reduction Week

October 17-23

Green Lifestyle & Natural Living Show

October 22-23


With beach season almost over…

…stay tuned for our winter issue!

Like what you read?

Become a member of Green Action Centre (membership is free!), visit our website at, or make a donation.

All Charities Campaign

It’s back to school and back to work for many Manitobans. The roads swell with traffic. Idling cars wrap around schools. Leaves fall and large plastic bags appear on curbs destined for the landfill.

Green Action Centre works to change these scenarios every day. Donate to Green Action Centre this fall through your workplace All Charities Campaign, or online through Canada Helps. Your donation supports:

Living Car(e)Free

Is it possible to live car-free in Winnipeg? It might be a reach for the majority of folks but many are trying to live with a little less car (car-light?) and a little more bus, walking and biking. When we posed the question on the Green Action Centre website, we learned that some Winnipeggers are already living without personally owning a car.  Find out how they manage here. As one person noted, car-free sounds like “care-free” – from car loan payments, insurance payments, rising fuel costs, parking costs, and so on. Something to think about on September 22 – International Car Free Day.

Commute with kids

Do you face the challenge of dropping your kids off at school or daycare, heading to work, picking your kids up, and also picking up groceries on the way home? You can do all this, and still take the bus or your bike to work.

Read our tips, and share your own.


Long-distance commuters might want to rethink their commitment to the road. More money might be up for grabs but so is an increased likelihood of divorce. A Swedish study that looked at data from over two million households over 10 years found commuters travelling 45 minutes or longer by car were 40% more likely to split with their partner than those who lived closer to work. Read more here.

Top 10 Safer Cycling Tips

Bike on bike laneOne of the most common reasons for not getting around by bike is concern about or discomfort with riding in traffic. Check out our Top 10 handy tips to help you ride safer. Want to increase your city cycling skills and confidence? Sign up for a half-day course through the Winnipeg Leisure Guide! Choose from a beginner’s workshop or commuter’s workshop.

New bus seats nice fit

Keep an eye out for the snazzy new seats on some Winnipeg Transit buses. Replacing the bench style, these “individual” seats provide a little better fit and a little more sense of personal space. See what you think!



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