Are you an organization or region wanting to offer transportation options beyond driving alone? GoManitoba connects users to carpool, bus, bike or walk, and mentors to help those biking or busing for the first time.

Become a GoManitoba Network!

Thanks to the support of the Province of Manitoba, we are offering SIX MONTHS FREE for you to become a GoManitoba network. You will get access to all of the great tools that come with GoManitoba as well as support to build your program from Green Action Centre. After six months, you can choose to stick with a low subscription rate, or to become a full network partner.

Check out more details and pricing: GoManitoba – NEW info sheet


Why consider GoManitoba at this time?

  • Emergency Ride Home: “I’d love to carpool/bike/bus BUT what if _____?” With your GoManitoba subscription, you get FREE access to the Emergency Ride Home program, administered by Green Action Centre. This is a fantastic benefit to offer your employees!
  • Custom Branding and URL: Your workplace’s branding, text and images.
  • Multi-modal Solution: Supports all sustainable travel options like carpooling, cycling, walking, transit and telecommuting.
  • Advanced Matching Technology: RideAmigo’s matching algorithms match users based on proximity to origin, destination, actual travel route, and personal preferences.
  • Incentives & Gamification: You can reward your employees for participating and logging their trips. You set the rules and incentives!
  • 24/7 Administrative Portal: Access your information at any time securely. Filter, map, export your data at any time.
  • Trip Logging Calendar: RideAmigo’s trip logging calendar allows users to log their trips – a diary for commute activity! GoManitoba offers syncing to many fitness apps and Live Tracking.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Database security is RideAmigo’s priority. Using the latest technologies available, they make sure that your data is protected and stored in Canada.

Our commuting research shows the RISE in interest in sustainable commuting, especially biking, since the pandemic. While we bid farewell to this health crisis, the reality is the economic and environmental crisis are of deep concern to many Manitobans, and both are entrenched in our transportation system. 

Did you know:

  • The average Canadian spends $8,000 – $12,000 a year to commute via personal vehicle. Reduce the stress those in your organization face when driving alone.
  • During the pandemic, most don’t miss their commute … except those who travel sustainably. Bring joy to your organization by offering choices for folks to love their trip! 
  • 91% of Canadians say climate change is a serious issue. Help your team make a positive impact by traveling sustainably, even just once or twice a week!
  • Active travel has many mental and physical health benefits. Help to reduce the barriers your team is facing to find routes, buddies and motivation!

GoManitoba continues to grow and we would love to work with you to find all of the benefits for your region or organization. Connect with to set-up a time to chat. 

Happy travels!