Our air is cleaner than it’s been in decades!

The whole world has slowed down to help the everyone stay healthy and safe, and we’ve slowed greenhouse gas emissions too! Pollution is low, and air is clean. That’s something worth smiling about.

Clean Air Day is an annual spring event that offers students and kids a special chance to get outdoors during the school day. Kids celebrate active transportation and physical activity, and learn how air quality connects to transportation and health. Clean Air Day 2020 has been adapted in response to school closures, and everyone doing their part by staying home. Kids, teachers, and parents can celebrate together, at home. Sign up to celebrate with thousands of other kids across the province!

Date: June 3, 2020
Time: All day – but the schedule is what you want it to be
Where: Your own home!
Who: Every kid, family, or class

Take a Clean Air Day pledge and have a celebration that is safe, healthy, and fun!

We’ve put together an event package for you, to make it easy and fun to celebrate at home. Register to have it emailed to you!

Learn more here

Register here