Programs For Schools
Active & Safe
Routes to School
Active and Safe Routes to School is a set of programs and services coordinated by Green Action Centre to reverse the trend of driving children to school. Through events, school travel planning, resources, data collection, and our innovative cycling education program, we work with schools to reduce barriers to using active and sustainable school travel.
The result? Healthier and happier students, cleaner air, calmer streets, better learning, more cohesive communities, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Walk. Bike. Roll.
Why Active School Travel?
Save time & money
Active school travel saves time and money.
School Divisions / Boards: Reduced demand for school bus funding.
Schools: Reduced traffic congestion resulting in fewer staff, administrators, or volunteer hours required to monitor drop-off and pick-up zones.
Government: Fewer vehicles means less wear on roads and reduced need for vehicle infrastructure.
Improve health
Being active on the way to and from school addresses physical and mental concerns for children and youth. It’s fun, improves concentration, increases physical activity throughout the day, and contributes to the development of healthy lifestyles into adulthood.
Did you know that only 9% of kids get the 60 minutes of heart-pumping physical activity they need each day? Or that Manitoba has the 2nd highest rate of Type 2 Diabetes in children in the world?
Read more in the Making Children Count Report and the ParticipACTION Report Card
Reduce traffic congestion & improve safety
If students are walking or biking to school, there will be fewer cars on the road. Traffic congestion will decrease during drop-off and pick-up times at schools, and our roads will be safer with lower traffic volumes.
Traffic congestion is directly linked to poor air quality and increased greenhouse gasses around schools.
Increase children’s mobility & independence
Kids need opportunities for unsupervised ‘risky’ play. It’s essential for cognitive development, social skills and more. Find more facts and expert advise on unsupervised play here
Build & support communities
An increased number of people walking and biking around the neighbourhood improves safety, social connectivity, and sense of community.
Our Impact
Students participated in ASRTS bike and walk events
Through innovative programs and support of local champions, more kids are biking and walking to school. Here are some of our accomplishments from this past year.
Workshops and presentations delivered to students, parents and teachers!
Students participated in Clean Air Day!
Active and Safe Routes to School Program
Our program handbook is full of ideas to get your school more active, with resources for special events, walking school buses, and other programs to get you started.
Making Children Count
This is a report with key results, a summary of health challenges, and suggested actions to improve school travel rates, based on a study of Manitoba school, from 2015-2017.
Let Grow Project
Glide to Ride
School Loops
Bring Active School Travel to Your School
Don’t know where to start? Get in touch with questions or book a presentation. We present to staff, administrators, parent council or other group.
Topics include:
- Green Commuting Options
- Creating a Commuter Friendly Workplace
- Bike Route Planning
- Cycling Skills
- Basic Bike Maintenance
Thank You!
Public Works
Get In Touch
Ariel Desrochers
Sustainable Transportation Program Coordinator