
Results – JFC 2024

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s unseasonably warm Jack Frost Challenge! Now for the exciting part, results and prizes!

Feb 21 2024
jack frost challenge results 2024

The 2024 Jack Frost Challenge had:

  • 726 total participants 
  • 199 Teams 
  • 31,063 Kilometres logged
  • 34 communities
  • 6,961 kg of emissions avoided

We hope you have been inspired to participate in active and sustainable forms of transportation all year long!

All winners will be contacted by registered email, so make sure you check your junk folders!

We want to hear from you! Please take 5 minutes once you are done going over the results to fill out our 2024 Jack Frost Participant Survey. This is your chance to share your thoughts with us about the challenge so we can work to improve it in the years to come. 


This year we have a Winnipeg Jets Experience for our grand prize! Participants that complete their fair share of at least 26km during the week of February 11th – 17th, 2024 will be entered to win this prize pack.

  • 2 tickets Winnipeg Jets Tickets!
  • $50 gift card to the Authentic Team Store for the Winnipeg Jets
  • $75 gift card to LOCAL Public Eatery Garry Street

In a team of 5, each person must log a minimum of 26 kilometres for the team to reach the 130km threshold. Any individual who completes their fair share of 26 kilometres of outdoor activity during February 11-17th, 2024, will have a chance.

CONGRATULATIONS: Elly from team HTFC is WIN-ter Ready!

Jack Frost Bingo Card Prize

This prize will be awarded to those who participate in one of the Jack Frost Bingo Cards. To qualify simply share your achievements via social media with the hashtag listed on the exclusive passports and tagging @GreenActionCentre (Instagram or Facebook) or @GreenActionCtr (Twitter). Winner will be picked at random, you’ll receive one entry per post, so the more achievements you complete the more entries you will get!

We also hope you all take part and visit the awesome local businesses that are involved! Passports will be distributed to registered participants email link.

Remember to make your posts public so we can see them or send us a screenshot of your post/story! If you don’t want to share publicly, you can also direct message on your preferred platform or email your entries to with the subject line SayFreezeMB.

*We will contact you via Instagram

Most Kilometres Individual

Awarded to the individual with the highest number of logged kilometres during the challenge week of February 11-17th, 2024.

Only those who registered as solo/unaffiliated participants are eligible.

CONGRATULATIONS: Allan P with 315 km’s!

Most Kilometres Team

Awarded to the team with the highest number of logged kilometres during the challenge week of February 11-17th, 2024.

Only those teams with 1-5 persons are eligible.

CONGRATULATIONS: The Bike Bae’s with 1140 km’s!

Silver & Bronze Teams

Awarded to the second and third highest kilometre teams during the challenge week of February 11-17th, 2024.

Only those teams with 1-5 persons are eligible.


CONGRATULATIONS: Jack Thaw with 808 km’s


CONGRATULATIONS: Out-a-time with 791 km’s

Early Bird Prize

Register by midnight on January 31st to be entered to win, winner will be chosen by random draw.

  • $25 Gift Card to a local business of your choice!

CONGRATULATIONS: Gwen from team Snow Much fun!

GoManitoba Users

Use the sustainable transportation app GoManitoba during the Jack Frost Challenge for an additional chance to win! By completing actions on the app you will get entered to win a prize. Learn more here.

For every active mode you log in the Commuter Calendar you’ll be automatically entered to WIN. (3 Winners)


– Lana H.
– Melanie M.
– Daniel P.

Best Team Name
This winning name is determined by popular vote after the challenge is over! Fun and creative names are encouraged.

CONGRATULATIONS: Red Hot Chilly Steppers!

Participation Prizes

We will be randomly selecting participants to win prizes! All you have to do is register, move, and log your kilometres – it’s that easy. (3 winners)

  • $15 Gift Card to a local business of your choice!


– Liisa C. from team Kat’s Crew

– Robyn B. from team B&N Adventures

– Deanne B. from team Toques & Boots

Bonus Prizes (for 3 participants outside of Winnipeg)

A prize category for our friends participating outside of Winnipeg. Selection is random.

  •  $15 gift cards to a local business of your choice or Boston Pizza, Canadian Tire or Tim Hortons


– Melissa B. from Wasagaming

– Maureen P. from East St. Paul

– Kathleen M. from Selkirk

JFC for Kids!

The kids category takes a bit longer to process so stay tuned for the winner announcement coming soon! 

Congratulations to all the winners!

Once again, a huge thank you to all the local businesses who donated some great prizes to this years challenge!

Thank you to our Grand Prize Donor

Thank you to our sponsors!

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