Green Living Resources

Wheel Alignment and Balancing


Poor alignment and/or balancing of your vehicle’s wheels will increase rolling resistance, fuel use, and affects handling. When your tires are not aligned properly they resist going straight. If left unmaintained, it will result in premature tire wear and can represent a serious safety issue.


Check your tires for uneven wear every month while you are checking your tire pressure. The alignment should be checked yearly and definitely when having your tires replaced. Consider having the alignment checked after any significant impact of the wheel with a curb or pothole.

How do I do this?

Servicing of the wheels and alignment needs to be done by a qualified professional but there are some simple ways to know if your car might need attention. Drive your car on a straight stretch of road. Rest your hands lightly on the steering wheel and observe if the vehicle pulls to one side or the other. If it does, your wheels may need alignment. If you feel a vibration or shaking in the steering wheel, the front wheels are most likely out of balance. If you feel a vibration in the driver’s seat, your rear wheels may be out of balance.

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