Green Living Resources

What you told us

This winter has been a fabulous, intense whirlwind at Green Action Centre. With a new Executive Director and new Board Chair at the helm, the timing was right for some full-on strategic planning – the kind that allows people to get a good look inside, poke around a bit and provide genuine feedback. Are we where we think we are? Where should we be heading next?

We are truly thankful to everyone involved with the online survey and focus groups. Your input will help strengthen our efforts to get more Manitobans living green and living well.

Now that the dust has settled we’d like to share a few highlights (and surprises!) of what we heard:

  • Survey participants noted their preferred mode of communication to learn about issues and receive information was social media (60%), followed by Green Action Centre’s website (45%), phone (17%), and public forums/conferences (11%).
  • There was an extremely high level of satisfaction with Green Action Centre’s programs and services accessed with respondents stating they are excellent quality, practical in nature, and appropriate for Manitobans.
  • We’re doing well in the areas of communication, education and awareness building, connecting stakeholders across the environmental sustainability landscape, and programming.
  • Respondents clearly identified Green Action Centre’s role as building capacity regarding sustainable solutions for individuals and organizations in Manitoba – through education, information, resources and tools, and delivery of programming or training.
  • The most important activities? Providing general environmental sustainability information; providing practical tools, information and resources; and advocacy for sustainable policies and practices.

What are we doing well?

Communication tools and approach, visibility, and promotion of environmental sustainability – “raising awareness of environmental issues”, “positive tone”; “frequent/regular updates”; “accurate, honest and non-preachy”; “not overbearing”, “practical”.

What could we do better?

Communicate to a broader audience – “appeal more to the masses rather than niche audience”; “reach suburbs”; “stronger media presence to reach a wider audience”; “increased public presence”.

Possible opportunities?

Strengthening Green Action Centre’s identity by defining a “niche” and intentionally marketing GA’s brand; focusing on “green” business consulting and office practices; expanding waste diversion initiatives, and targeting young families and children.

Next steps

To build on what we heard, Green Action Centre’s board and staff met for a full day of planning and identified key priorities for the next 5 years. Now for the really fun stuff – completing the strategic plan and putting it into action.

A special thank you to the great staff at Health in Common who managed the strategic planning process with us from start to finish and also to the awesome folks at Manoverboard (the first Certified B Corporation in Manitoba!) for their generous support as we create our marketing and communications plan. We are forever grateful for their guidance and belief in our organization.


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