The Active and Safe Routes to School Program in Manitoba successfully hosted our second webinar series fall and winter 2013/2014 in conjunction with the After The School Bell Rings project. This 5 session series was based on questions often asked in communities and projects done around Manitoba that are trying to encourage youth to walk or cycle. The webinar sessions were archived and are easily accessible to watch from your own computer. Please find the session detail below and the archive links to access the presentations.
To watch our 2012/13 archived webinar sessions from last fall/winter, they are easily accessible to watch from your own computer at this link.
Putting the Fun Into Surveying for Active & Sustainable School Travel Planning – December 9, 2014
View the Blackboard Collaborate recording
This webinar recording is 1hr 23 mins in length and contains two presentations. The webinar may be scrolled through to view a single presentation.
Resources for two presentations given on December 9, 2014:
1. The Living Streets Travel Tracker. A complete web-based monitoring and rewards system that uses a classroom whiteboard.
Website: www.livingstreets.
Presenter: Chris Thompson, Schools and Projects Coordinator, Living Streets Scotland.
2. Don’t Let the Robots Win: The power of CounterPoint AND a new hi-tech vision of School Travel Planning
Presenter: Anders Swanson, Director of Software Development / Program design, Green Action Centre, Manitoba, Canada.
Website for School Travel Planning: saferoutestoschool.
Show us a story: Using Photovoice for After School Programs
Took place on January 30, 2014- 12pm-1pm
Listen to the archived session here.
Presenter: Lea Grzenda- Green Action Centre
Have you ever tried to see your community from a different perspective? That is the goal of a Photovoice project, and we will be going into an after school program in the fall to see how kids see their community! They will share what they love about it and what they want to change and we will be sharing the results with you.
Get outta town! Rural and Northern Active Travel After School
Took place on December 5, 2013- 12:00pm-1:00pm
Listen to the archived session here
Bruce Krentz-Regional Health Promotion Coordinator, Northern Health Region
Dayna Quinn-LaFleche- Principal, Rosser School
So your kids/students want to walk or ride their bike to school? Are you in a rural or northern community? We can help! We have put together some key tips for schools and after school programs outside of larger cities that face different challenges to active travel and how they can be solved.
Making it count: Including Science and Math in Active Transportation Programs
Took place on November 7th, 2013- 12:00pm-1:00pm CST
Listen to the archived session here.
Presenter: Adam Prokopanko- Green Action Centre
Have a love for math or science? Don’t know how to include easy science experiments or math problems in your program without putting people to sleep? Green Action Centre’s Adam Prokopanko will guide you through creative and fun ideas to do with children to bring a little more math and science into your activities that they will actually love! This is definitely a presentation you won’t want to miss.
Took place on October 31, 2013- 12:00pm-1:00pm CST–
Listen to the archived session here
Presenter: Lea Grzenda- Green Action Centre
Encouraging walking and cycling programs can be a challenge at after school programs with limited time and resources. That’s why we have developed an Active Travel Resource Guide just for after school programs! This webinar session will take you through our guide step-by-step and focus on some basic things you can do to help build that walking and cycling culture in your program. A discussion will follow to hear ideas from participants. Green Action Centre’s Lea Grzenda will share our new guide with you!
Pulling Up Our Socks: MANITOBA AND THE ACTIVE HEALTHY KIDS CANADA REPORT CARD: are we driving our kids to unhealthy habits?
Took place October 9th, 2013- 10:00am-12:00pm CST —
listen to the archive session here
Jennifer Cowie-Bonne – Chair, Active Healthy Kids Canada
Vicky Reaney, Active Transportation Coordinator, Province of Manitoba
Deanna Betteridge, Winnipeg in motion
Dave Elmore, Can-Bike Instructor
Jackie Avent – Active and Safe Routes to School in Manitoba
The goal of the webinar is to introduce participants to the Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card and give them information about what is ongoing in Manitoba towards achieving some of the recommendations laid out in the report card. Production of this webinar is in partnership with the Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba, the Province of Manitoba and Winnipeg in motion.
Happy Walking!