Green Living Resources

Toxics in your cosmetics

Make up may contain dangerous ingredientsOn Halloween, kids of all ages have fun dressing up as witches, goblins, or whatever else their imagination inspires. What is not so fun is that the cosmetics and make up they put on to create their disguise may contain toxic chemicals. Just in time for the costume season, David Suzuki Foundation has released a report showing the dangers of 12 toxic chemicals commonly found in wide range of cosmetic products in Canada.

The “Dirty Dozen” are found not just in make-up, but in everything from shampoo to hand moisturizers. These ingredients include endocrine disruptors, potential cancer causing agents and even some that are often contaminated with neurotoxins heavy metals (ie. They are toxic to the brain). We have provided a list of the David Suzuki Foundation’s “Dirty Dozen” ingredients, as well information about some of their suspected dangers.

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