Its International Clothesline Week this week. If you need any more reason than this to put your laundry out to dry, here are 13 more:
- Saves up to 10% of residential energy; Running a dryer 20 hours a month will cost you on average 100 kilowatt hours. A clothesline’s operating costs are zero!!
- Less need for nuclear energy or coal energy
- Less emissions which saves our health, literally less deaths and saves the earth
- Using solar and wind power – free
- Clothes smell better (like sun and air)
- Clothes feel better
- Clothes will last much longer (less wear and tear from the heat and tumbling of the dryer)
- Clothes don’t wrinkle – no need to use electric iron, another savings
- No need to wait for the dryer to finish
- Don’t have to empty the lint tray
- Improve relationships; working together for the greater good builds friendships and love…
- Can be therapeutic – the time it takes to hang the clothes can be time of reflection of you, family, earth, etc.
- Burn calories – because you’re exercising many muscles you burn about 45 calories every 15 minutes.
And see results of our 2011 photo challenge.