Green Living Resources

Stories from Jack Frost Challenge 2012

FortWhyte Alive!

The Jack Frost Challenge was very motivating! It got our team outside doing all kinds of activities from skiing to skating to nordic walking. The excitement spread throughout our staff and we ended up with 4 teams going toe-to-toe. At the end of it, we had a results celebration and wrap-up party. We are all looking forward to bettering last year’s results!

Parks Canada Snow Packers

We just loved the Jack Frost Challenge! We developed a team logo and made badges with it. We then wore them out on our team outings which included skating along the river at The Forks and cross country skiing at Birds Hill Provincial Park. Team members walked, ran and biked to and from work throughout the Challenge. We also had two people complete the Challenge as individuals. We are looking forward to the next Jack Frost Challenge and hope the weather cooperates as well as it did in 2012.

Individual teams

Thanks for a really fun challenge – we really enjoyed watching our progress as we logged in too! We managed to put four teams together for the child care folks in the Interlake and had fun teasing each other as we got through the week as well… Keep up the good work – looking forward to the next thing we can be a part of!

I just want to thank you for the awesome week with the Bougeons en hiver: The Jack Frost Challenge. We could not have asked for better weather. I ran, walked, skated, and biked.

I just wanted to say that I loved the team challenge of the 130 km in a week. My team the frosty five really got out and enjoyed the winter air. Thank you for putting this together and keep making up these challenges, we love them.

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